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Case 1: Shortness of Breath
Case 2
Post 1: Introduction Pt 1
Post 2: Introduction Pt 2
Post 3: Introduction Pt 3
Post 4: Bad Outcome Pt 1
Post 5: Bad Outcome Pt 2
Post 6: Legal Outcome
Post 7: Documentation Review
Post 8: Medical Review
The patient returned to the Emergency Department on 4/2/2014. That morning, he developed new onset of weakness of his bilateral legs. He also developed sensory deficits. The ER documentation from this return visit is unavailable. The physician ordered an MRI of his lumbar spine to rule out cauda equina syndrome, results are shown below.

The results of the lumbar spine MRI did not show any acute abnormalities.
Given the back pain, fever, and now motor and sensory deficits, what is the next step? Send him back home for primary care follow-up? Order more testing? Consult? Admit to the hospital?