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Case 1: Shortness of Breath
Case 2: Fever
Case 3: Overdose
Case 4: Motor Vehicle Collision
Case 5: Knee Pain
Case 6: Respiratory Arrest
Case 7: Ankle Injury
Case 8: Cough
Case 9: Abdominal Pain
A lawsuit was brought by the deceased man’s wife and children. They sued both the physician at the original hospital and the group that employed him. The case went to trial, and the records that have been previously shown were entered as evidence. Further information includes the manual from the CT scanner that shows the weight limit.

At the end of the trial, the jury was given a long set of instructions by the judge. It included these directions:

All 24 Jury Instructions are available to subscribers via the link below.
The jury went to deliberate. After some time, they sent the judge the following note:

After deliberating, the jury returned a unanimous verdict for the plaintiff against the doctor and his employer.

Damages were fixed at $2,750,000 and the jury made a recommendation on how to distribute the damages. The defendant’s legal team has indicated that they will appeal the ruling.